Trish Robichaud Coaching

Entrepreneurs with a Disability or Chronic Condition

Confidence is key to building a successful business






I’m Trish

[ About Me ]

As a strong entrepreneurial woman living with multiple sclerosis, heart disease and bipolar disorder, I welcome you! It’s been a long journey for you at this point I imagine. Myself, I’ve gone from losing a 12-year career to the MS diagnosis, to becoming a national award-winning volunteer, and then a national award-winning entrepreneur.

Over the years I’ve developed a healthy formula for including both work and life into my days. I’ve discovered that balance is not sustainable, but balance is fluid and adaptable. My passion is now helping other entrepreneurs living with disability or chronic health issues, to develop just the right formula for their own work-life balance.

I take pride in helping my clients build a business that will honour and accommodate their health, while providing a stable income that will keep them afloat when their health is rocking the boat.

Schedule a 30-minute free consultation with me

I look forward to hearing your story!

How can I Help You?


Nurture my well-being - >


Automate my work- >

Client Testimonials

Sara R of Toronto, Ontario C-Suite level Marketing and Communications Professional

After Sara quit her high-paying job that was running her into the ground, she didn’t know what to do next. She felt lost and stuck because there were new opportunities outside the traditional brand management structure that were calling her. She wanted to expand her horizons with a meaningful job where she could apply her skills and find the work-life balance she sought. Her search led her to explore new opportunities with Trish as her coach. Sara appreciated Trish’s holistic approach, “Having someone to listen to [helped] support me in my journey… more than the career support, the meditative journey, helped me immeasurably.

Having noted a difference in her confidence, Sara confided that she was able to break through mental barriers and overcome old stories to create a new story for myself. Then I found a better job in a new industry. I don’t think Trish could have done a better job. Having that support along the way helped me immensely. Thank you, Trish.” Sara carved out a new path for herself, getting past the anxiety and panic attacks that necessitated the career change, and she’s happier for it

LauraBeth Ryan of Austin, Texas Life Coach, Singer & Poet

It is hard to describe the incredible value that has come from working with Trish! I first hired her 15 years ago when I was bedridden due to a spinal injury and needed a lifeline. I had to learn a new normal and had no idea how to navigate such hardship. She immediately gave me hope and also the compassion and understanding that I desperately needed. She guided me in learning how to manage the disability, and pacing was a huge factor. Her professionalism and knowledge combined with her caring heart helped me through some of the toughest times in my life. Including leaving an abusive marriage and starting over in life.

Not only did she help me personally, but professionally as well. I had a vision but no idea how to start a company from a bed. But with Trish's support and belief in me, I did it! My company, "Cheerful Hearts" was born and is still thriving today! Most recently, I went through a fierce battle with breast cancer and came back to Trish for support. And I don't think I could have made it through without her! She is more than a coach; she is a lifelong friend. I will forever be grateful for all of the love, support, wisdom, and guidance she has given me. I love you, Trish, and will forever be grateful to God for bringing us together! Thank you from the bottom of my heart

Nuriye Bastug of Scranton, Pennsylvania Career Coach & Team Leader

As a newcomer, I had a concern about many things. I needed to find out for field placement before graduating from my college programs. I did some research and Trish contacted me from After finishing my college program, I’ve decided to work with Trish as an apprentice to learn more from her experiences. It was a huge step for me to overcome my first barrier for finding a placement workplace earlier in my college program and working remotely was a great opportunity to take care of my children and improve myself. She was very supportive and easygoing to work.

She knows what to do as a business coach, life coach, and employer. Life is unexpected and she is very flexible and thoughtful. She helped me through in many ways; gaining self-confidence, learning business coaching, digital marketing, expanding the network, taking a huge step in my life for achieving my personal and business goals. I’m glad to meet her and I’m very lucky to have her in my life.

Martin Charney of Thornhill, Ontario Dr of Financial Pain & Mortgage Agent

Trish Robichaud acted as my Operations Manager for over a year. We met once a week on Zoom for an hour for the purposes of policy assistance, advice on the computer, growing my business and strategizing on which of my financial products would be best served.

Trish was always patient, capable, and very knowledgeable about all aspects that I needed assistance with.

Trish was very flexible, malleable, and ductile in that whatever was troubling me, she would handle with patience, calmness, and diplomacy. She also allowed me to ask the same questions over and over.

Trish is great.

Video Testimonials

Peter Gosline of Gloucester, Massachusetts, USA

Healthcare Executive Coach & Former Hospital CEO

Marie Marchildon of Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Published Author & Workshop Facilitator

Haleema Sayed of Mumbai, India

Career Coach & Trauma Survivor

Kemal Burak Ecir of Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Bookkeeper & Social Media Manager

Alison Beaulieu of Riverview, New Brunswick

Customer Experience Director Living with Fibromyalgia & Anxiety

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