Trish Robichaud Coaching

Maintaining Work-Life Balance with Disabilities

A challenging topic when it comes to working from home while disabled is the art of maintaining a harmonious work-life balance. And work-life balance is important to our overall health so it needs to be non-negotiable. 

Balancing the demands of work, health, and personal life can feel like a juggling act, but fear not, because I’ve got your back with some easy and actionable tips. Let’s roll up our sleeves and embark on this journey together!


Understanding your natural energy patterns is a cornerstone of effective work-life balance. Whether you’re most alert in the morning or find your groove late at night, structuring your work hours around these peaks, when possible, can significantly boost your productivity and well-being.

  • Identify Your Peak Times: Pay attention to when you feel most focused and energized during the day. This awareness will help you allocate your most demanding tasks to these periods.
  • Craft a Routine Around Your Energy: Design a daily routine that aligns with your peak energy times. Schedule important tasks and projects during these periods to capitalize on your optimal focus.
  • Strategic Time Blocking: Break your day into focused time blocks, aligning each block with specific tasks and your energy levels. Transition between blocks mindfully to maintain a consistent flow.
  • Transition Rituals: Introduce short rituals between time blocks to reset your focus. A brief stretch, a deep breath, or a quick walk can help you transition smoothly and maintain momentum.
  • Beat Procrastination: Overcome procrastination by committing to working on a task for a short period, like five minutes. Often, this initial push is enough to establish a rhythm and continue working.

By embracing your natural energy rhythm, you’ll find yourself better equipped to tackle tasks efficiently and maintain a more balanced work-life dynamic.


Now, let’s talk about a powerful tool that’s no less than a work-life wizard – the good ol’ to-do list. It’s not just a list; it’s your reliable companion in the quest for a balanced and accomplished day. Here’s how to wield its magic effectively:

  • Prioritize with Purpose: Begin your day by jotting down tasks and priorities. Consider categorizing them based on urgency and importance. This simple act instantly clarifies your goals and sets the tone for a productive day.
  • Break It Down, Check It Off: Complex tasks can feel overwhelming. Break them down into smaller, manageable steps. As you tackle each step, a delightful sense of accomplishment will fuel your momentum.
  • Set Realistic Goals: While it’s tempting to pack your to-do list to the brim, aim for a balance between ambition and realism. Setting achievable goals prevents frustration and ensures you end the day on a positive note.
  • Time Estimations: Assign rough time estimates to each task. This practice helps you allocate your time wisely and prevents underestimating the effort required for certain activities. Many neurodivergent people struggle to estimate how long tasks take them. Often timing your tasks for a couple of weeks and taking note of how long things take can help you with time blocking. 
  • Flexible Adjustments: Life is dynamic, and so is your to-do list. If unexpected priorities crop up, shuffle your tasks accordingly. Flexibility keeps you adaptable and prevents unnecessary stress.


Now, let’s delve into the realm of boundaries. Setting boundaries can be very difficult, especially for people-pleasers and those that have experienced trauma. A good first step for those that struggle in this area is often talking to a therapist. There are other steps you can take to help you set boundaries as well.

  • Clear Communication: Openly communicate your work hours and availability to those around you. Friends, family, and even furry companions will appreciate the predictability, and you’ll gain uninterrupted focus.
  • Dedicated Workspace: Create a physical boundary by establishing a designated workspace. It’s not just a desk; it’s a signal to the world that you’re in productive mode. When you step into this space, you’re in the zone.
  • Silence Distractions: Embrace the art of selective silence. Mute non-essential notifications during your work blocks. By minimizing distractions, you’re amplifying your focus on tasks that truly matter.
  • The Power of “No”: Politely decline requests or distractions that don’t align with your work hours. Remember, every “no” is a resounding “yes” to preserving your dedicated work time and personal well-being.
  • Rest and Recreate: Just as work has its boundaries, so should leisure. Set limits on how much time you dedicate to personal activities during work hours. This ensures that you’re fully present and engaged in both spheres.
  • Evaluate and Adjust: Regularly assess your boundaries to ensure they’re serving you well. If you find a need to tweak your work hours or redefine your workspace, do so with confidence.

By setting boundaries with finesse, you’re taking charge of your work-life narrative. Remember, it’s not about shutting doors; it’s about creating windows of focused productivity and cherished “me time.”


Amid the hustle and bustle of work, remember to treat yourself kindly. Introducing “me time” into your daily rhythm isn’t just an option – it’s a vital necessity. Here’s how to weave moments of self-care into your schedule, because your well-being is important: 

  • Scheduled Serenity: Just as you pencil in meetings and tasks, allocate time for self-care. Designate pockets of your day for rejuvenation, whether it’s a few minutes or a more extended break.
  • Micro Mindfulness: A moment of mindfulness goes a long way. Pause and take a few deep breaths, allowing your mind to settle. This mini meditation can be done anywhere, grounding you in the present moment.
  • Stroll and Soak: Step away from your workspace for a leisurely stroll. Bask in the sunshine, breathe in the fresh air, and let your mind wander. This simple act can clear mental cobwebs and reinvigorate your focus.
  • Dance It Out: Embrace your inner dance enthusiast! Blast your favorite tunes and let loose with a mini dance party. Not only does it lift your spirits, but it also gets your blood pumping – a recipe for instant energy.
  • Stretch and Release: Combat the sedentary slump with quick stretches. Roll your shoulders, do a seated twist, or stand up and touch your toes. These movements invigorate your body and keep stiffness at bay.
  • Tech Detox: Disconnect from screens during your “me time.” Step away from your devices and immerse yourself in an analog activity – read a book, doodle, or simply savor a cup of tea.
  • Journal Journeys: Dedicate a few moments to journaling your thoughts, reflections, or even jotting down a gratitude list. Putting pen to paper is a therapeutic release that boosts your emotional well-being.
  • Snack Break: Prepare a delightful snack, set the table, and indulge in a mindful eating experience. Nourishing your body also nourishes your spirit.
  • Unplug and Reflect: As the workday winds down, engage in a reflective pause. Consider your achievements, challenges, and moments of growth. This mindful review sets the stage for a fulfilling day’s end.
  • Pamper Hour: Treat yourself to a weekly “pamper hour.” Whether it’s a soothing bubble bath, a DIY spa treatment, or simply lounging with a good book, this intentional self-care ritual recharges your soul.

Remember, self-care isn’t a luxury; it’s a lifeline. By prioritizing these moments, you’re replenishing your energy, boosting your resilience, and nurturing your overall well-being. After all, a well-nurtured you is the foundation of a balanced work-life.


Here’s a little secret – perfection is overrated. Embrace the quirks, the hiccups, and the imperfectly perfect moments that make your work-life balance uniquely yours. Here are some ways to embrace imperfection in your life: 

  • Gentle Self-Compassion: When things don’t go as planned, offer yourself a dose of self-compassion. Instead of dwelling on perceived shortcomings, celebrate your efforts and applaud your resilience.
  • One Step at a Time: Remember, progress isn’t about leaps and bounds; it’s about the accumulation of small steps. Each action, no matter how seemingly insignificant, contributes to your overall journey.
  • Learn and Pivot: Imperfections are valuable teachers. When things don’t go as anticipated, seize the opportunity to learn and pivot. Adaptability is a superpower in the art of work-life balance.
  • Celebrate the Wins: Celebrate even the tiniest wins along the way. Did you conquer a challenging task? Did you take a break when you needed it? Applaud these victories, and let them propel you forward.
  • Find Humor in Mishaps: Laughter is a magical antidote to imperfections. Find humor in the little mishaps, the unexpected twists, and the moments that don’t quite go according to plan. A chuckle can reset your perspective.
  • Comparison-Free Zone: Steer clear of the comparison trap. Your journey is unique, and so are your challenges and triumphs. Focus on your progress, and resist the urge to measure up against others.
  • Mindset Matters: Cultivate a growth mindset. Instead of viewing imperfections as setbacks, view them as stepping stones toward improvement. Embrace challenges as opportunities to evolve.
  • Reflect and Reframe: Regularly reflect on your journey. When you encounter imperfections, reframe them as valuable lessons that contribute to your growth. This shift in perspective empowers you to embrace the process.

So, here’s to imperfectly perfect days, to embracing the messy magic of life, and to savoring the journey as it unfolds. Remember, the symphony of imperfection is what makes your work-life balance uniquely yours. Celebrate it, learn from it, and let it serenade you to a harmonious rhythm.

There you have it, our friendly guide to maintaining work-life balance with a sprinkle of extra flair for unique abilities. Remember, it’s all about crafting a routine that celebrates you, your work, and your well-being. So go ahead, let these tips be your compass as you navigate the wonderful adventure of work and life.

Source: LisaSharpCreative

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