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You Won’t Achieve a Work-Life Balance Without Doing These 10 Things

It is challenging for business owners to balance career and personal life. Taking a step back from work can feel stressful, and you may worry that everything will fall apart if you aren’t constantly tuned into every aspect of your company. However, it is essential to set aside time for yourself because overworking will lead to burnout, which may result in less efficiency when you’re on the clock.

Ultimately, a solid work-life balance aims to set your daily life up so that you can completely unplug during off-hours. Don’t let your business overshadow your personal life. Set aside time for family, self-care and hobbies. If you’re seeking strategies to achieve this balance, follow these essential tips below.

1. Delegate tasks to your team

An easy way to begin your work-life balance setup is to pass tasks to your team. Delegating effectively and understanding that you don’t have to manage every aspect of your business personally is one of the best strategies for alleviating stress in your career. By giving your workers more duties, you will not only lighten your load but also boost your team’s morale. They will appreciate that you trust them enough to give them some of your essential work, encouraging them to work harder.

2. Define your priorities and set boundaries

Next, it’s time to define your priorities and set boundaries. What does an ideal work-life balance look like for you? For some people, it seems like spending more time with family and friends; for others, it’s having time to dedicate to hobbies. In addition to defining work-life balance, you should start practicing the word ‘no.’ It’s very easy for business owners to accept more and more work, but this hinders your ability to balance work and personal life. When a new opportunity comes by, consider it before accepting it to prevent your plate from getting too full.

3. Establish beneficial routines

Having a routine will help solidify your work-life balance. Routines are habitual daily activities, they can vary on a day-to-day basis, but should follow a pattern. Having this pattern in place will help you complete tasks more efficiently. One strategy you could implement is writing a list of tasks you’d like to complete each day and cross off items as you complete them, which should give you a boost of motivation.

4. Prioritize self-care

As a business owner, making time for yourself is often a low priority. But taking care of your body and mind will allow you to not only live a more balanced life but also maintain health and keep you in tip-top shape for your work days. It is important to make physical activity, good food and ample sleep part of your life. You should also dedicate one hour each week to doing something that pampers your spirit, like getting a pedicure, massage or going shopping.

5. Disconnect after hours

As a business owner, it’s likely you receive emails and calls throughout the day and evening. Clients and colleagues may work different hours and may send you correspondence at inopportune times. Rather than reading these emails right away, save them for your working hours. There should be a time each day when you set your phone on ‘Do Not Disturb,’ eliminating the alerts and sending calls to voicemail. Although you might feel disturbingly disconnected, having your ‘after-hours’ time to yourself means you can truly relax and reset.

6. Implement email auto-responders

If you continue to feel unsettled having your ‘Do Not Disturb’ on, or if your business receives frequent emails, it may be beneficial to set up auto-responses. You can set up a simple reply, letting your clients and coworkers know when you are away from the computer and when they can expect you to return. This should also lessen the amount of emails you receive while you’re away, as those who received the email will know you are out of the office.

7. Take regular vacations

Vacations are difficult for many entrepreneurs to take, but taking them will allow you to have a complete reset and may even inspire you with new ideas for your business. Getting out into the world and exploring new areas will open your mind, and being away from work will help you access different thought processes, potentially giving you new motivation for when you return to the office. But even if you don’t return with new ideas, you’ll definitely return with a fresh mind. Just remember to disconnect as much as possible while you’re gone, putting on an auto-responder and allowing your team to take on more responsibilities.

8. Pursue a hobby

Hobbies like writing, hiking, painting, pottery or acting (or anything fun and unrelated to your business) will encourage you to take time away from work. Finding something you enjoy doing outside of business will help you relax and engage a different part of your brain. Pick a hobby that excites you and allows you to feel in the moment.

9. Dedicate family and friends time

There’s a reason people emphasize the importance of community in a healthy life. Humans are social beings, and we need to make time for our personal relationships if we are to thrive. Having a set time for family and friends will help you remember to prioritize them. To make this time even more exciting, you can think of fun activities to do with the people you love, like going to the beach, having dinner together or exploring a new part of town.

10. Regularly review and adjust your balance

As you establish your work-life balance, you should regularly evaluate it and adjust it to your needs as they change. Business responsibilities will shift, as will life, and these moments require you to adjust. Keep checking in with yourself and your daily activities. If you find yourself spending too much time working or thinking about work, you will know it’s time to start prioritizing your personal time.

Having a work-life balance that makes you feel productive at work and relaxed during your off-hours is ideal. It will help you not only be a better business owner but also a better friend, partner, family member and colleague. Feeling less stressed makes you more efficient and helps you accomplish more during your work hours.

Source: Entrepreneur

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